Monday, April 19, 2010


Avah & her BF are the only girls on the team! Guess who is better than the boys?

Santa Ana Zoo

Avahs first time on a school bus with her class to the zoo!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Our little B dog started preschool! He did so good. When I picked him up he ran into my arms and had tears coming down his face. He was just happy to see me! I love how his backpack is as big as him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Eve

Easter egg hunt in the dark with flashlights
@ Chase & Ryia's house.

Coloring eggs with Daddy.

Happy Birthday to Brenan. Happy Birthday to you...
My baby is 3 years old. Starting preschool this week.

Thank you

for all your prayers. Avahs procedure went great. She didn't even shed a tear! She is so brave & strong. Avah got the royal treatment for the whole day. She was in quite a bit of pain for about 2 days. Now she is back to normal. We go back to the Dr in a few weeks to see if it worked.